Pets & Sacred Space
Pets can be great gifts in helping you grow in your use of Reiki & Energy Systems. For the animal it may seem like they are saying "glad you finally got aware of this....we have used it all along!"
Pictured are our rescue dogs: Alex the dark dog loves to be physically near you...a real lap dog & Abby very shy & timid dog. They both seem to come into the room whenever Reiki is shared or discussed with they want to be included too. Sometimes when Alex is laying on my chest is seems he is connecting all my chakras & helping to balance them.
When they have hurt or sore muscles, the pets enjoy being touched with reiki as we send energy to them to help the healing process.
Pets can be very helpful in teaching us on how to use Reiki/Energy systems if we let them & include them when it is shared with others. They seem to be very natural healers & give energy very lovingly & compassionately with all they met.
Sacred Space is an area of your home or nature that you connect with the Source. For us we have a Shrine room in the front of the house with many sacred images in statue or thangkas/painted hanging image of Deities. We have mala beads, crystals, candels, prayer flag, request cards placed on or near the Shrine. The room is used for meditation, prayer, sending energy, reiki sessions, etc so the room seems to stay at a higher energy level than the rest of the house. The front window faces a quiet street with lots of green nature outside. I try to balance the images of male on the right side & female on the left side of the shrine as I strive to keep the same balance within me.
We also have a outdoor shrine to Buddha & Quan Yin in the backyard as well as a waterfall & Koi pond. Being outside in nature can be very balancing & a Sacred Space as well. We can invite others to come outside to sit, meditate & pray. We also have prayer flags hanging outside that move in the wind as well as wind chimes that create peaceful music.
Your home can reflect the energy you are using in your spiritual practice. By using the same area on a regular basis you can help charge the area with positive energy with your regular meditation practice & use of reiki/energy systems in this Sacred Space you create.
Personalize it so that the Sacred Space best reflects the spiritual you in a positive light.